وَإِذْ قُلْتُمْ يَا مُوسَى لَن نَّصْبِرَ عَلَىَ طَعَامٍ وَاحِدٍ فَادْعُ لَنَا رَبَّكَ يُخْرِجْ لَنَا مِمَّا تُنبِتُ الأَرْضُ مِن بَقْلِهَا وَقِثَّآئِهَا وَفُومِهَا وَعَدَسِهَا وَبَصَلِهَا قَالَ أَتَسْتَبْدِلُونَ الَّذِي هُوَ أَدْنَى بِالَّذِي هُوَ خَيْرٌ اهْبِطُواْ مِصْراً فَإِنَّ لَكُم مَّا سَأَلْتُمْ وَضُرِبَتْ عَلَيْهِمُ الذِّلَّةُ وَالْمَسْكَنَةُ وَبَآؤُوْاْ بِغَضَبٍ مِّنَ اللَّهِ ذَلِكَ بِأَنَّهُمْ كَانُواْ يَكْفُرُونَ بِآيَاتِ اللَّهِ وَيَقْتُلُونَ النَّبِيِّينَ بِغَيْرِ الْحَقِّ ذَلِكَ بِمَا عَصَواْ وَّكَانُواْ يَعْتَدُونَ ﴿٦١﴾ two/Al-Baqarah-61: Va iz kultum yea moosea lan naasbiraa aalea taaeamin veahidin fad’u lanea raabbaka yuhric lanea mimmea tunbitulaardu min baaklihea va kısseaihaa va foomihea va aadasihea va baasaalihea, keala a tastabdiloonallazee huva adnea billazee huva haayr(haayrun), ihbitoo mısraan fa inna lakum mea saaltum va duribat aalayhimuz zillatu val maskanatu va beau bi gaadaabin minaalleah(minaalleahi), zealika bi annahum keanoo yakfuroona bi eayeatilleahi va yaaktuloonan nabiyyeena bi gaayril haak(haakkı), zealika bi mea aasaav va keanoo yaa’tadoon(yaa’tadoona).
fourteen. Whenever they meet up with individuals that consider they are saying: “We feel” but when they're by yourself with their evil ones they are saying: “We are actually with you we (have been) only jesting.”
The pilgrimage is in the perfectly-regarded months; so whoever determines the efficiency with the pilgrimage in them (by Placing on the pilgrimage gown), there shall be no intimate approach to a partner nor veering to sin nor quarreling among each other inside the pilgrimage; and regardless of what fantastic you are doing, Allah appreciates it; so make provision (for yourselves) (with righteous deeds) for absolutely the most effective of your provision is (to get the proprietor of) piety. For that reason be pious to Me, o Ulu’l elbâb (the entrepreneurs of The trick divine treasures of Allah because of their continual remembrance with the Identify of Allah)! (197)
Then do you suspect in a Section of the Scripture and reject The remainder? Then what is the recompense of those that do this between you, other than disgrace from the everyday living of the earth, and about the Working day of Resurrection they shall be consigned to probably the most grievous torment. And Allah is not unaware of Everything you do.
٦- إِنَّ الَّذِينَ كَفَرُوا سَوَاءٌ عَلَيْهِمْ أَأَنذَرْتَهُمْ أَمْ لَمْ تُنذِرْهُمْ لَا يُؤْمِنُونَ ◯
Then Satan made them slip there from and bought them out from that (blessing) through which they had been; and We said: “Get down, some of you currently being the enemies of Many others and There is certainly to suit your needs surah baqarah arabic text during the earth a dwelling- put in addition to a provision for the time”. (36)
The concluding passages of the surah give attention to the mention of previous prophets of the youngsters of Israel and selected incidents like the killing of Jalut by Dawud (AS).
وَإِذَا قِيلَ لَهُمْ آمِنُواْ بِمَا أَنزَلَ اللّهُ قَالُواْ نُؤْمِنُ بِمَآ أُنزِلَ عَلَيْنَا وَيَكْفُرونَ بِمَا وَرَاءهُ وَهُوَ الْحَقُّ مُصَدِّقاً لِّمَا مَعَهُمْ قُلْ فَلِمَ تَقْتُلُونَ أَنبِيَاء اللّهِ مِن قَبْلُ إِن كُنتُم مُّؤْمِنِينَ ﴿٩١﴾ 2/Al-Baqarah-ninety one: Va izea keela lahum eaminoo bi mea anzalaalleahu kealoo nu’minu bi mea unzila aalaynea va yakfuroona bi mea surah baqarah arabic vareaahu va huval haakku musaaddikaan limea maaahum kul fa lima taaktuloona anbiyeaaalleahi min kaablu in kuntum mu’mineen(mu’mineena).
But provide them with [a present of] payment - the rich In line with his ability as well as poor Based on his functionality - a provision Based on what is more info appropriate, a responsibility upon the doers of excellent.
" And it can be given to them in likeness. And they're going to have therein purified spouses, and they'll abide therein eternally.
When you have divorced the wives and they may have arrived at the tip of their waiting around intervals, then both retain them As outlined by custom made and use (on acceptable foundation, get more info with Ma’rûf) or established them free of charge on reasonable basis. But never get them again to result in their decline so that you exceed the boundaries (infringe on her rights), and whoever does this, he without a doubt is unjust to his very own soul. And don't consider Allah’s Verses (Indications) for your mockery and bear in mind the Blessing surah baqarah text of Allah upon you Which which He has despatched all the way down to you of your Guide along with the Knowledge, admonishing you therefore; and also have piety (Takwâ) in the direction of Allah and understand that Allah may be the Knower of all items. (231)
one hundred and one. And when there came to them a Messenger from Allah (i.e. Muhammad Peace be on him ) confirming what was with them, a party of those that got the Scripture threw absent the Ebook of Allah powering their backs as if they did not know!
2:one hundred fifty five وَلَنَبْلُوَنَّكُمْ بِشَيْءٍ مِنَ الْخَوْفِ وَالْجُوعِ وَنَقْصٍ مِنَ الْأَمْوَالِ وَالْأَنْفُسِ وَالثَّمَرَاتِ ۗ وَبَشِّرِ الصَّابِرِينَ And We will definitely test you with one thing of anxiety and starvation along with a loss of prosperity and lives and fruits, but give excellent tidings into the individual,
Whether you display exactly what is inside yourselves or conceal it, Allah will deliver you to account for it. Then He'll forgive whom He wills and punish whom He wills, and Allah is about all things qualified.